Photography sketchbook videos

Please watch this video to see a student’s A grade Journey project! It’s a sketchbook so different presentation to the way we are working, but the same idea and content. Think about the way they develop their ideas visually through experiments and artists as you watch.

This is also a good example of a top grade sketchbook – a different project, but with commentary from the teacher about why it got such high marks

There are LOADS more videos with examples of top grade work here!

Online Portfolios

The following links are online examples of student portfolios from another school, organised by grade.
Have a look through them in your free time – get ideas and see the standard required!
Polly - A
Michaela - B
Kirsty - B
Rachel - C
Zac - C
Ben - D
Laurel - D


Theme: Fantasy
The key to Melissa’s success, aside from her obvious compositional and technical skill, is her investigation of the theme through quality, real-world subject matter.


Theme: Futuristic world........ Grade A*
This examination project was completed by Michael Deville while studying A Level Photography (AQA). The project explores a growing population and a futuristic new world. Michael gained an A*.




Theme: Identity..... Grade A*
This project is a reminder that that those who excel in A Level Photography do far more. Freya’s photographs are the result of deliberate compositional choices, sophisticated use of her SLR camera and use of an innovative 3D installation to present her final work. Instead of relying on digital manipulation to remedy or create photographic works, Freya focuses upon the magic that occurs in front of the camera.


Trinity Mclynsky - Predicted: B

