Slowly the Trojans gain the upper hand in the war. Although the gods continue to try and involve themselves on both sides, and despite the best efforts of the likes of Ajax, son of Telamon, Hector becomes increasingly formidable and the Achaean ships are threatened by fire...

These book is not prescribed content for the course. However, students will find several moments and the characterisation of certain key players extremely useful for the examination. 

Task: this document will give you some ideas for creating a mood board for these books. Do not read them in depth but scan them for relevant information. You will find the online translation (link below) helpful for searching key words in each book.

Here are some ideas of what you might like to look at:



  • Ajax and Teucer (Books 11-12, 14-15)
  • Idomeneus and Meriones (Book 13)


  • Hera (Books 14-15)
  • Poseidon (Books 13-15)

Trojans (and Allies)


  • Sarpedon and Glaucus (Books 12)
  • Hector (Books 12-15)


  • Apollo (Book 15)
  • Aphrodite (Book 14)


  • The role of the gods and fate (including Zeus' mediation)
  • Heroes and their kleos
  • Family relationships
  • Hector's hubris