Homeric literature provides us with two detailed examinations of Helen. Telemachus encounters her back in Sparta in the Odyssey (Book 4 & 15). Here in Book 3, she interacts with Priam as he watches the Achaeans from the Scaean Gate, as well as with Aphrodite and Paris after the duel.

Task: See if you can find a parallel from this book to the following traits highlighted in the Odyssey.


Odyssey Quote:

Iliad Quote:

Her beauty is view as divine.

…from her tall, scented room came Helen, like Artemis of the golden spindle… [Book 4]

She has great domestic skills

…a golden spindle, and a silver basket on wheels, with a golden rim. This was what Phylo, her maid, brought, placing it beside her. It was full of fine-spun yarn, and the spindle was laid across it, charged with dark purple wool... [Book 4]

She regrets leaving Menelaus

‘While the rest of the Trojan women were wailing their grief, my spirit was glad, since my heart was already longing for home … abandoning daughter and bridal chamber, and a husband lacking neither in wisdom nor looks.’ [Book 4]

She is at odds with Aphrodite

…and I sighed at the blindness Aphrodite had dealt me, drawing me there from my own dear country… [Book 4]

She is astute and her opinion is valued.

‘… it stuns me to look, as the likeness of this man to great-hearted Odysseus: surely this is the son whom he left at home...’ Yellow-haired Menelaus replied: ‘I see the likeness now, wife, as you do…’ [Book 4]

N.B. a version of this table can be found in the appendix of your Iliad Book III booklet.