LO: be able to multiply negative numbers

When you do 3 lots of -4 you end up with -12 (imagine jumping down -4 three times on your number line)

so 3 x -4 = -12

Similarly, -3 x 4 = -12

If we do -3 x -4 it will give us the 'negative version of -12' which is 12

so -3 x -4 = 12

In general, if you multiply a positive by a negative you will get a negative

If you multiply a negative by a negative you will get a positive

eg -3 x 5 = -15

5 x -2 = -10

-3 x -2 = 6

-5 x -5 = 25

3 x (-6) = -18

(-3) x (-6) = 18

Have a go at some of the questions below - copy the questions in your blue book.  Mark your answers from the answers at the bottom of this page. Upload a photo of your work before the end of the lesson.